[11월 5주차] 콘코 추천!! 이번 주 IT.소프트웨어 대회.공모전

This week’s competition in the 5th week of November recommended by Konko.It’s a contest. We look forward to your interest.- 1st Real Crime Scene Contest – 1st Email Hacking Dangerous Video Contest – 2022 New Convention Development College Student Contest – 2022 Gangwon Startup Idea Contest – 2022 Image Sound Matching Artificial Intelligence Hackathon – 2022 Water Demand Forecast AI Algorithm Development – 2022 Korean Multi-Session Hackathon – DMC Big Data Idea Audition 2022*.#This week’s contest #Artificial Intelligence #BigData #Huckerton #Idea contest #Recommended contest #Recommended contest #Recommended contest information #Date of contest #Site of contest #Conco #ContestKorea

I would appreciate it if you could check the website of Contest Korea for details.~Notice of contest, competition, foreign activity information/introduction/news @ Contest Korea!! コンConco Channelㅣ

@contestkorea @contestkorea-contestkoreank profile and social media link; bio@contestkorea @contestkorea-contestkoreank profile and social media link; bio@contestkorea @contestkorea-contestkoreank profile and social media link; bio

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