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Air conditioning When air comes in from outside, the sinuses control the temperature and humidity to suit our body. This keeps us comfortable and pleasant when breathing. Foreign substances can sometimes enter through removal of foreign substances. In a simple way, the sinuses filter out and discharge them. Whether it’s voice formation or not, this is the first time I knew it.! Sinuses also resonate when you speak, affecting the tone and quality of your voice. So you can be sure that the ratio of sinusitis and sinusitis is quite high in the case of singers. Heat-regulating sinuses play an important role in cooling off the heat that occurs in the brain! They are acting as a device to prevent overheating in our brain and body. The eyes and brain protection sinuses also protect the eyes and the brain. They are located safely surrounding the eyesIt’s most effective to use a nasal compress 10 to 15 minutes before washing. For children, you have to choose a nasal compress pad. To make it more effective, a nasal compress pad is essentialIn this way, nasal compresses increase the temperature in the nose, helping to expand the nasal cavity and blood vessels, and even controlling the moisture in the nose depending on the product, so it can help with swollen and damaged nasal mucosaThere are so many different types of sinuses, but if you look at it, you have the frontal sinuses, the sinuses, the sinuses, the temporal sinuses, all of which are airy spaces in the bones, and they play a really important role in our bodiesThe reason why sinusitis can hurt your ears is because the nose and ears are connected, as in scissors, the sinuses that are connected to the nose have mucous membranes, just like the nose, but when the sinuses completely block the passageway between the nose and the sinuses, the mucosa becomes swollen and the mucus and pus continue to build upSinus, playing such an important role, but if you get sinusitis, or sinusitis, why do your ears hurt that don’t seem to matter? Nose and ears?+>Summary The nose and ears are connected by a thin tube called the Eustachio tube, so sinusitis, which is a nasal inflammation, can spread to the ear or cause pain. *How to solve it* First of all, remove pus and mucus from the nose! Nose washing & nasal compress pad/Cospray Personally, nose washing -> Nose washing is enough! – Today, we briefly talked about sinusitis and ear pain! Next, I also gave you some tips on how to solve the nasal congestion caused by sinusitis. I hope it helped you a little bit, and I’ll end this article now! Thank you!At this time, the Eustachio tube, or the intestinal tract, can spread inflammation, or the mucosa can swell and become cloggedThere’s a lot of space on either side of the nose as it goes deep past the narrow nostrils near where it breathes air for the first timesinus infectionSpray is a direct spray type that is effective in controlling humidity, but it simply hydrates, so it doesn’t help increase the effectiveness of nose washingBut if you already have sinusitis or sinusitis, the tubes that connect it, including the sinuses, will be very swollen and narrow. That’s why nose washing can be a little less effective – so you need to take care of the temperature and humidity in your nose with a regular nasal compress and cosplayIf sinusitis and sinusitis in the nose get worse, the damage to the ears also gets worse. It is widely known that it is good to wash your nose with nasal compress to make your nose and ears healthy and pleasantSinusitis is a disease called sinus, in which inflammation occurs in the nasal cavity and the cheekbones around the eyes, the brow, and the bone space near the forehead, and mucus and pus build up. When you think of the nose, you can think of it as simply located in the middle of the face and connected to the bronchial tubes with a long, straight tube, not at allIt’s all connected to the nose and thin tubes. At this time, the symptoms of inflammation in the space and thin tubes and filling up with pus are called sinusitis, and if it intensifies into a bacterial infection, it’s called sinusitis!Minjun has some symptoms of atopy and his skin is still fragile, so I went through a lot of consideration when choosing a nasal compress padDoes your ears hurt when you have sinusitis? Minjun has rhinitis and sinusitis, so his nose is loosened to the point of tears or nausea sometimes, but he never said his ears hurt. But my ears have been hurting for the past few days. At first, I thought something was wrongAlso, with middle ear ventilation, waste can be discharged through the nose. So strong or indiscriminate nasal loosening can lead to symptoms such as otitis media and eardrum perforation. Why do your ears hurt?So, when we’re on an airplane or on an express bus, if our ears feel numb, the reason we have to swallow our saliva is because by opening the duct like this, we can resolve the inkiness of our ears through instant ventilationFirst of all, you need to remove the secretions and pus from the sinuses. Because there are so many sinuses along the nose and it causes inflammation throughout the nose, it’s essential to clean the noseThe Eustachio tube, or echocardiogram, connects the nasal cavity, which is an empty space in the nose, to the middle of the ear, which is usually closed, but opens momentarily when you yawn or swallowI knew there was a connection between the nose and the ears, but it was the first time I heard that it could hurt. I was so surprised that I had to look it up on the Internet and study. Pneumonia can cause pain in my ears. If your child has a pain in his ears due to sinusitis, this article will helpMost people know that the eyes and nose are connected, but many people don’t know that the ears and nose are connected, and the eyes are connected to the nasogastric tube, and the ears are connected to the nasogastric tube, which is called the Eustachio tubeFortunately, I bought the nasal compress pad that an acquaintance around me recommended, and I still use it without any problems. The simple tip for choosing the compress pad is if you see at least 5 certifications related to stability such as child authentication, atopy, or if it has a lot of reviews, or if it’s phytoncide ingredients, it’s not that difficult to find!What is sinusitis?It can be dangerous for children with weak mucous membranes and skin because you put the hot pack right on your eyes and nose. So when you choose the nasal compress pad, make sure to check the certificates that guarantee children’s certification and product quality!When the Eustachio tube is clogged, the pressure in the ear becomes unbalanced and the secretions build up in the ear, which can cause pain in the ear and cause inkiness and even hearing loss. So what do we do?

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