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When I asked them about the situation where they couldn’t open it, they said they knew the password and didn’t use the key at all, but they couldn’t press the number. In general, when there is no battery, there is a beep sound and it’s silent every time they press it, so it’s frustrating that they can’t even open the locked safe door. They said they’d appreciate it if you could tell them how to open itThe customer who welcomed me while waiting for my visit after lunch was waiting for me to come to your house, but I couldn’t open it, so I couldn’t get a hold of today’s work. Not only you but also other people comforted me by saying that, and the pad I used before didn’t work at all, so I took out the entire pad and used the way to open it in case of emergency to open it. This was a post that helped you with the breakdown of the new number pad because it was registered and could be used as long as it was before the replacement was completedWe also want to let you know if you can open it yourself, but we can’t do that, and we told you that it’s possible only when a professional engineer is dispatched. Then we booked the time to see if you could come around yesterday. A safe is made to store important things in it, so it’s hard to open it even if it’s not a professional or damagedAs usual today, I got a call from a customer about Beomil Geumgo. I talked about it, and it seems that it’s not a new safe, but a safe that’s a little old, so it’s a great world to ask for a picture for accurate consultation. You can get the picture right away and hear the consultation. But the number pad is upward, and the green pad is in the green padHello, nice to meet you ^^ Where to open when Bumil Geumgo fails. Do you find a way to open when you lose your key when you can’t open it due to a button failure? Consult a professional repair technician at the Geumil GeumgoI couldn’t sleep on time, so I overslept a little in the morning lol I just beat up asking what I was doing last night to sleep late in the morning, but I started the day in a good mood because I won. Tuesday morning time spent making a key that wasn’t there because there was a customer who left the office yesterday asking me to make a lock car keyYou might not have slept late after watching the Asian Cup soccer last night, but you might have been able to sleep a little less because you won against Japan. As I couldn’t make a clear attack from the first half and was pushed back consecutively, I thought about whether I should just not watch it or not. Then, from the perspective of the victory report, which was made with a decisive header in the second half, the expression of blood drying would have been correct. The next game is early Friday morning…

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